Huawei Smart PV Community Is Now Opening

Данас, Huawei officially launched Smart PV 4ALL иницијатива and Smart PV Community is now opening. Smart PV Community, as a free sharing platform for solar partners, is not merely a community – it also aims to make smart PV accessible to all, and focuses on cultivating talents to be deployed across the industry to accelerate worldwide smart PV applications for a greener and lower-carbon society.

Huawei Smart PV Commuity centers on disseminating frontier PV knowledge, and sharing thoughts on industry су широки технолошки трендови стручњака са партнерима и купцима.

Get Knowledge
Он нуди комплетан спектар онлине и оффлине ПВ courses available било где и било када to improve партнерс ' practical skills, including technical solution design for utility scale, commercial and industrial (Ц&I) and residential use, and special topics, such as Smart I-V Цурве Diagnosis, potential induced degradation (ПИБ) recovery, and АИ Боост AFCI protection.

Get Tools
Поред тога, Хуавеи тако provides the latest marketing tools tailored for installers such as global cases видео, флајери и анимације. By doing so, we aim to benefit more talents in the digital PV world and enable more people to enjoy free and high-quality education.

Get Rewards
By learning courses, you can also earn Fusion Solar points for various gifts.

The launch of the Huawei Smart PV Community marks a new stage of Huawei FusionSolar's talent ecosystem development. У будућности Хуавеи жели deepen cooperation with all parties to fuel the digital transform соларне индустрије. Learn more, please visit