Интервју: Смарт ПВ 4алл

Huawey's new President of Huawei Smart PV Business Unit, goguan Chen, talks to PV Magazine about his new role in the company, and the future of his unit. Инцреасед инвестиције у Смарт ПВ Р & Д и технолошку иновацију су на врху дневног реда. Intel ima milijune snimaka od najveæih Liga energy products is also a priority, with much to be gained from the integration of ICT technologies and energy.

Huawei PV business evolved from digital PV to Internet-powered PV, and now AI-powered PV. Through this journey, Huawei has long been committed to providing customers with an optimal LCOE with more value.Q: MR. Chen, You recently took over as the new president of Huawei's Smart PV Business Unit. How does lend your experience to the well new function?

Guoguang: i a pioneer of Huawei smart PV business, having accumulated nearly 12 years'experience у глобалном истраживању и развоју (R&D), and 7 years' experience у међународној продаји и управљању roles. This experience gives me a profound knowledge and understanding of both industry challenges and customer needs. My team and I work tirelessly to develop industry-leading products and solutions which provide the best possible value for customers all over the world.

Q: What new path do you plan to take the Smart PV Business Unit down?

Гогуан: the development of the smart PV business involves three aspects:

Firstly, ми ћемо наставити да increase инвестиције у смарт ПВ Р&Д за ensure continuous creation of industry-leading products. У будућности, both customer needs and technological innovation ће become the main value creation sources. Secondly, we will expand Huawei smart PV's global market presence, which involves establishing sales and service teams in more countries and regions to offer customers with better services. Finally, new ICT technologies, such as 5G, AI, and Cloud, have devidly over the last two years. Ми ћемо цомпрехенсивели integrate our leading ICT technologies with solar and storage to create more value for customers.

Our vision, which echoes the purpose of SMART PV 4ALL, is to expand the application of PV energy with innovative technologies, make Smart PV accessible to all , as well as contribute to building a world that is both green and safe.

П: ослањајући се на the telecommunications business to solar is a clear advantage of Huawei capabilities in the market. Where the company is differentiating itself from the most other inverter manufacturers?

Goguan: It is true that Huawei has competitive telecommunications technologies. It is a leading global provider of ICT infrastructure and smart devices, with extensive experience in the ICT field. It is the integration of ICT technologies and energy that differentiates from Huawei competitors in the energy field.

Huawei utilizes digital technologies to connect energy products, enable preventative maintenance, and realize the intelligentization of energy products, providing customers са поузданијим, зеленим, и ефикасним енергетским системом. The application of digital technologies to the energy industry enriches traditional dumb devices with intelligent capabilities, enhancing efficiency and industry delivering an optimized user experience.

The Energy Network Product Line, which is one of Huawei's eight product lines, has recorded some of the fastest growth, covering fields such as data center facility, telecom, energy, smart PV, and mPower. This product line currently обухвата 9 Р & Д центара, више од 1200 патената, and more than 3000 R & D personnel. At least 15% of annual sales revenue from the product line is invested in R&D. Currently, Huawei Network Energy Product Line R & D centers have been established worldwide, including у Немачкој, Јапану, Шведској, и градовима Шенжен, Шангај, и Ксиан.

To summarize, the Huawei smart PV business has advanced communications technologies and huge investment in R&D, and in the future, Huawei will continue to contribute to the ecological prosperity of the entire PV industry.

П: Са Хуавеи being such a large entity with many different business units, као што мостите смарт-ПВ business unit са другим технолошким аренами компаније?

Guoguang: We improve product competitiveness through continuous innovation as this ensures a leading position.

Every year, Huawei invests more than 10% of its revenue in R&D, with this figure reaching 15% over the last two years. In addition, over the last 10 years, R & D investment totaled CNY480 трилион. Huawei has established more than 16 R & D centers and more than 60 basic technology laboratories worldwide, covering materials, heat dissipation, mathematics, and wireless technologies.

For example, 2012 Laboratories is a renowned Huawei laboratory that mainly focuses on the development of next-generation communications, чипови, бежични, цлоуд цомпутинг, аудио и видео анализа, рударство података, as well as machine learning technologies for the next 5 to 10 years.

It is Huawei's “noah's Ark”, leading the way to the future. It also includes an energy-related laboratory called the Watt Laboratory, which created the 40 W super charging technology that is used in Huawei Mate series smartphones. The Watt Laboratory serves as the cradle of numerous technologies that are applied in our solar inverters, such as the AI-powered grid-tied technology and energy storage technology.

Додатно, the 2012 Laboratories обухвата разне друге под-лабораторије под називом after world-renowned scientists or mathematicians, such as the Shannon Laboratory, which focuses on frontier research on key technologies and algorithms for the intelligentization of ICT technologies.

Further examples include the Gauss Laboratory, which aims to build and industry-водећи систем за управљање базама података; The Shield Lab, which focuses on cyber security, Device security, cloud virtualization security, and cryptographic algorithms; and the Туринг лабораторија, which concentrates on research regarding AI technologies and applications.

As Huawei research base, 2012 Laboratories not only represents истраживања највишег нивоа у Кини, али то тако има considerable global influence. Без великих великих улагања у услове капитала, талента, и времена, Huawei would not have developed cutting-edge technologies and industry-leading products.

The powerful global R & D platform ensures the world-матична перформансе соларних инверторов Хуавеи. Huawei applies new technologies and materials developed by company experts and doctors to new products, maintaining industrial competitiveness. This is Huawei's unique advantage in the PV field.

Q: Huawei has recently predicted ten trends for smart PV development in the next five years, which has sparked heated discussion in the industry. How do you interpret these ten trends and their impact on the industry?

Guoguang: The 10 trends are Huawei prediction for the development of smart PV over the next five years. We mapped out these trends after holding an in-depth discussion with global industry experts, consulting firms, as well as upstream and downstream partners of the industry chain from four dimensions: digitalization and Intel милиона уноса из водећих лига, grid friendliness, lower LCOE, and security and trustworthiness. The 10 trends specifically involve: digitalization, AI-driven smart upgrade, unmanned PV plants, proactive support for power grids, solar + storage, virtual power plants( VPP), upgraded safety, higher power density, modul design, and security and trustworthiness.

I believe that the 10 trends predicted by Huawei, the global innovation leader, can guide the entire new energy industry by providing a reference for innovation and growth. However, the intelligent world is to get faster than we anticipated. Мислим да think these грипа ће become realities well before 2025. Some trends are already occurring, such as solar + energy, AI-powered PV, and VPP.

The 10 trends are mainly related to Intel милиона уноса из водећих лига, digitalization, and Cloud хипотеза бр., which are inevitable concepts in the industry. Данас, у increasing number of innovations are driven by digital technologies. Therefore, we believe that 5G, Cloud, AI, and other technologies are key to innovation and are the убрзање дигиталне трансформације of various industries. More importantly, these technologies are integrating with each other and bringing unprecedented revolutionary changes. Everything will be connected online, everything will be connected to the Cloud and AI applications will be ubiquitous, thereby reshaping everything we know today.

Therefore, у овом иновативном екосистему, успех ће бити само achieved by game changers who propose new ideas, create new business models, and launch new products and services.

Seven years ago, we promoted the smart PV solution with string inverters as the core. Facing significant challenges, we achieved to unprecedented performance, which entailed both courage and modesti, by firmly believing that innovations доноси успех. Today, we stand at the entrance to the intelligent world, where we expect another turning point. We will collaborate closely with partners to achieve further success.

Q: Solar+storage is the new solution. How Huawei is adapting its business model accordingly?

Гуогуан: у резидентним сценама, генерални LCOE of the solar + storage solution is more competitive than that of traditional power solutions due to development and decreasing costs of PV and energy storage technologies. У областима са високим напајањем-у тарифама, such as Germany, Japan, and Australia, the LCOE of solar + storage is even lower than the residential feed-у тарифама, allowing a new business model to be established. In the second half of this year, Huawei will launch the distributed household solar + storage solution to help people in these areas improve use of green and low-cost energy.

For commercial power plants, Huawei believes that the solar + storage solution will be mainly applied in the improvement of power grids. New energy is not completely stable in terms of power generation, and the stability issue will become more serious with the increasing application of new energy to power grids. For example, the power grid's requirements for frequency modulation and peak adjustment will become more intense.

However, the solar + storage solution can address these problems, and it will be an inevitable trend of PV development in the future. Currently, markets are first being established in places where a stable power system is in more urgent need, such as Australia and the United States. In the future, with the development of global new energy, this requirement will become universal.

Huawei has extensive experience in lead-acid and lithium battery system application in the fields of telecom site energy, data center facility, and terminal power supply. It also has abundant experience in technical energy efficient storage system architecture, high-performance bare metal server (BMS), electrochemical cell system safety, and intelligent diagnosis and analysis.

На основу ових технологија платформе и искуства у ПВ Фиелд, Huawei committed to building leading solar + storage solutions with оптимално LCOE and levelized cost of storage (LCOS), оптимално security, and simplified O&M, enabling our customers and partners to lead the smart PV era.

Q: Climate change is a growing global concern, and while the PV industry plays an active role in the energy transition, there are challenges surrounding manufacturing processes and waste. How Huawei is developing its products with environmental concerns in mind? Digitalization and the rapid expansion of ICT infrastructure consume significant amounts of energy – what is Huawei as a company doing to minimize energy resource consumption, and other environmental impacts?

Goguan: As a world-leading ICT infrastructure and smart device provider, Huawei has been actively fulfilling its social дужности by reducing the power consumption of its products and cutting carbon emissions through continuous technological innovation.

The concept of energy conservation and emission reduction has long been an integrated part of the lifecycle of Huawei product R&D. For example, Huawei quantitatively evaluates the environmental impact of products in different phases, such as raw material extraction, production, transportation, use and recycling, to identify product deficiency against environmental protection. In terms of innovation in environmental protection, the focus is on improving the energy and material efficiency of products.

Хуавеи дакле, иновације у производним процесима, паковању, транспорту и рециклажи, по редоследу promote environmental protection across ICT PRODUCT lifecycles.

For packaging, we adopt a lightweight, green packaging concept. We have also designed recyclable metal pallets to replace wooden ones, and we use strong paper boxes instead of wooden ones. This reduces wood usage and carbon emissions.

У 5G era, increasing site power consumption poses unprecedented challenges to energy infrastructure construction. Хуавеи пропустила концепт "једноставно, паметан и зелене" 5Г телекома energy construction and released the 5Г Повер solution to build green connections and рачунарство through energy saving at three level: компонента, site, and network.

Global data centers have high power consumption and PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness). Huawei continuously доприноси AI technology to save energy and reduce power consumption in data centers. Са ефикасношћу УПС-а и ицоолинг-А@АИ Тецхнологи, генерички PUE of data center energy is reduced from 1.5 to 1.1, maximizing value of infrastructure.

Све у свему, Huawei committed to minimizing its environmental impact during production, operation, and the product and service lifecycles. Therefore, the company користи иновативне производе и решења за помоћ индустрије conserve energy and reduce emissions, док contributing to a цирцулар economy. Huawei is striving to collaborate with all industry partners to build a low-carbon society. Ова непрекидна иновација у зеленим технологијама ИКТ ће се укључити зелена развој across a wide range of industries and create a better fully connected, интеллигент world for future будуће генерације.

Q: Where are you currently focusing R & D efforts within the Smart PV Business Unit? Are there any exciting innovations that the industry can expect to come out in the next year from this?

Guoguang: u general, there are three points as follows.

(1) For large-scale commercial ground PV plants, Huawei further integrate new ICT technologies such as AI and 5G with PV to create more value for customers and embrace the era of grid parity. The AI BOOST SMART DC SYSTEM (SDS) system integrates bifacial PV modules, trackers, and smart PV controllers configured with multiple MPPTs to ensure оптималне перформансе ДЦ система. Based on neural networks, AI training and modeling enable trackers to be adjusted at an appropriate angle to ensure the highest energy yield of each PV string. АИ Боост Смарт и-в Цурве Диагносис 4.0 ИС у ажурираној верзији that supports more application scenarios and delivers higher diagnosis efficiency. For example, детекција за 100 мВ ПВ Плант Такес онли 10 minutes currently, 5 minutes брже него раније. Додатно, то је applicable to various scenarios such as shingled modules and mixed PV module install. In terms of power grid friendliness, the Huawei smart solar inverters can ensure seamless and high-quality solar power inverter generation. Хуавеи innovatively апликације за АИ self-learning algorithm for impedance reshaping. This algorithm integrates multiple advanced algorithms, such as the adaptive algorithm for dynamic damping, and supports a минимални коефицијент кратког ланца (СЦР) од 1.5, до индустријске водеће фигуре.

(2) For distributed deployment, Huawei continue to improve the rooftop smart PV solution and become the most comprehensive string solution provider in the industry will. The arc fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) and Digital Turbo are powered by AI technologies to provide a safer and better user experience. For residential scenario, the One-Fits-all 450 W optimizer will be launched. The optimizer can adapt to all 60-72 cell and cell crystalline silicon PV modules in the market, and it can be configured as required. Једнофазни и трехфазные сунчаних инвертора подржавају ДЦ coupling and are баттери-реади, enabling storage capacity to be екпандед as required. У Индустриал анд Цоммерциал сценарију, the safety of the solar inverter and the whole PV system can both be guaranteed. With AI technologies, DC arcs within the lifecycle can be detected more accurately and quickly cut off.

(3) Software and algorithm R&D still focuses fully on enabling the PV field through AI BOOST, including improving power generation efficiency, O&M efficiency, and proactive safety, to support the increasing use of new energy in future power grids. Дакле, Хуавеи жели да изгради смарт ПВ екосистем кроз софтвер и цлоуд платформе. This year, we have launched a new smart PV solution, which will reconstruct a secure and reliable open digital platform. Интерфејс отворених података подржава независне ecosystem applications, enabling ecosystem partners and customers to conduct customized апп развој. As a result, digital dividends can be shared, creating more opportunities for customers. Thank you!