Unveiling Huawei AI Evolution on PV Project

Визија Huawei of building a fully connected and intelligent world is now even clearer thanks to the launch of AI-based PV solution. AI drives us into a fully connected smart PV era.

У looming shadow of the global 5Г револуција, у невидљивом бици is underway.

Међународни енергетски гиганти EDF, Enel, ENGIE, and Iberdrola have launched ambitious strategies for the future. Od energy production to management, digital technologies promote energy consumption transform from thermal to renewables such as photovoltaic (PV) и снага ветра.

After Chinese PV manufacturing industry climbing to the top of the world, millions of people are marching into the final battle to make their PV plants to be grid parity. PV is even more competitive in 2019, as requirements for cost control and data precision of PV plants are fine-tuned from the mechanical watch level to the level atomic clock.

PV Project Powered by AI Engine

By 2018, 170 GV of PV modules were installed in China over a diversity of latitudes, пејзажи, клима, and solar irradiation. Massive volumes of data are generated from every one of these multiple brands of PV modules and solar inverters, customized design and construction, and maintained large number of components. Huawei has been using PV Big Data to train AI for the past five years.

These past five years, Huawei has shipped 90 GV of string PV inverters worldwide, connecting nearly 330 милиона ПВ модула. 1 ГВ ПВ Плант генератес 1ТБ (1000 ГБ) годишње укупно. 50 кв инвертер, with total 15 милиона units'shipments, function as both the eyes and brain of a PV plant. Хуавеи Солар инвертер преноси информације such as local climate, current, voltage, temperature, and fault alarm to the data center while performing симултано рачунање ивица. Ослањајући се на своје велико и интензивно искуство са великим подацима, Huawei has been cultivating and finally launching the most powerful digital engine for grid parity.

AI BOOST 1500V FusionSolar Smart PV Solution covers соларни инвертер, ПВ модули, праћење систем, O & M, grid stability, future electricity trading and financing, велики подаци, AI, power electronics, meteorology, and astronomi, and can perform self-learning, континуирана оптимизација, провера здравља биљака, провера грешака, процена опреме, intelligent solutions, grid stability, and collaborative ecosystem construction.

Електронски, чипови, рачунарство, АИ, and other digital information technologies simplifying complex проблеми
Smart trackers controlled by AI algorithms + bifacial PV modules enabling power supply, and communication, reducing CAPEX и maximizing energy yield
Smart I-V diagnosis, AI identification, and online multi-scenario diagnosis help transform O & M towards " аутономна вожња”
Huawei AI grid connection algorithm with active harmonic control adapting to harsh grid environments, maintaining grid connection, and improving plant stability. Huawei helps PV plants shift from simply adapting to the power grid, to supporting it.

Collaborating Across Domains Towards a Fully Connected, Smart PV World

For Huawei, the world is borderless.

Currently, the industry yannetegrates advanced technologies such as 1500 V соларни инвертер + bifacial PV modules + Трацкерс + multiple MPPTs with the most significant goals for grid parity being reducing initial costs and improving yield. Huawei reports that AI data analysis is likely to disrupt традиционални дизајн и о & м концепти. AI integration and self-learning sistem, the system was able to obtain the optimal tracking angles of bifacial PV modules in a PV plant at 32°N.

AI accelerates fault rectification of PV plants by 2/3 while fortifying component weaknesses. Among the 5 GV of PV modules that underwent Smart I-V Curve Diagnosis, 54.81% извештај о квару диодног ланца у ПВ редовима. Тхе Нект Тво мост цоммон Фаултс је имао аномалне излазне струје и отворене ланце. Хвала на овим информацијама, PV manufacturers can take proactive measures to rectify such faults. This diagnostic tool demonstrates how Huawei has leveraged its years of expertise and experience into its own ICT platform to help customers solve potential problems.

Од соларних претварача до системских решења, industry ecosystems, and future-oriented energy interconnection and AI у PV industry, Huawei contributed six generations of evolution into the intelligent era.

Гледајући у будућност, Хуавеи R & D emerges from its 2012 Лабораториес to collaborate with international energy гиантс тражи као Енел и EDF на новом пејзаж енергетске реструктурирања. AI builds grid-friendly PV plants that can automatically learn and adapt to grid карактеристике које спречавају ПВ сметње.

Када asked about Хуавеи biggest contribution to the ПВ industry, технички власник Хуавеи ПВ responded: "Ја мислим да firstly, Хуавеи redefines solar inverters. If Хуавеи had not entered this industry, соларни инвертора would remain инвертора."Huawei has taken the initiative to transform these simple power components into power-based digital терминали, Huawei and it is who conceptualized full coverage from the grid to the PV digital center.

Хуавеи и Хуангхе Хидроповер јоинтли су 2013. године лансирали смарт ПВ Солутион. The PV technical owner explained Huawei's мотивација " у bringing our leading ICT technologies to the PV industry, we aim not only to digitalize PV plants, but also enable the industry to enjoy the high reliability, higher security, and heat dissipation, eLTE wireless and communication technologies PLC we have built over the past 25 years.” While breakthroughs such might not be revolutionary or proprietary, Huawei has led them to the PV industry and in turn, accelerated its transformation.

Док интегратинг ПВ са Повер Грид Тецхнологиес, Хуавеи тако интегрише сопствену структуру. Apart from its communications technology departments, the company's AI, cloud computing and majority of other departments have been introduced into its overall solution. Кроз заједничку платформу термина за увоз Хуавеи is prioritized and преферред by international customers, who work as партнери towards energy digitalization.

This is what the AI BOOST PV project about: structural evolution of the PV industry from a single-dimensional chain to a two-dimensional plane. У будућности, тродимензионални систем ће comprise complementary ПВ, multiple energy sources, and power grids. Each breakthrough brings infinite possibilities.

Кроз унутрашње и спољашње ланце, Huawei strives to be the foundation for its customers and joins hands to achieve shared success.