Maximize Bifacial PV Plant with Huawei Inverter and Produce 15-20% more Energy than Monofacial Configuration-један од најиновативнијих ПВ биљака у Пољској

 13. Августа-Хуавеи СУН2000-105КТЛ-Х1 стринг инвертер is one of the few inverters available на пољском тржишту which supports bifacial PV modules which are used у 2 МВ ПВ Плант у Соколову у Малополском. As the uneven irradiance reaching the rear side of the bifacial PV panel, using Huawei invertor SUN2000, the industry's most granularity of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) could greatly reduce the mismatch loss.

Advanced solutions powered by Huawei AI Boost I-V curve diagnosis of the PV plant, using the measurement of the current-voltage curve for all PV strings, generating a complete report за 15 минута. This feature significantly reduces the PV plant maintenance costs and increases the profitability of the entire investment.

Huawei SUN2000-105KTL-H1 инвертер has been appreciated by the investor-BIODEFOL, because of the solutions that increase efficiency and also several pioneering features, such as the maximum input voltage of 1500 V on the DC side and 800 V on the AC side. Thanks to Huawei's solutions, investors saved lower cost of AC and DC wiring while maintaining the performance ratio of the PV plant.


Глобални cumulative shipment of Хуавеи string inverters supplied is already over 130 ГВ до краја јуна 2020. године, which makes Хуавеи је лидер у гудачких решењима за ПВ power plants. The high-voltage inverters of the SUN2000 series have set a new trend of the entire industry, providing higher energy yields and the comfort of operation and maintenance.

Innovativeness of the PV farm in Sokołów malopolski is also a result of the free-standing mounting system RS-12 with премаз Magnelis, провидед би реца соларни. It has been designed so that the specific elements of the mounting system will not shade PV modules and affect the diffuse from the ground.

Генерални извођач радова на иновативној фабрици КСНУМКС МВ ПВ у Соколу из Малополског је велики соларни СП.z o. o – a company with many years of experiences у ПВ industry. Photomate s. r. o., Huawei's Value Added Partner, provided professional advice, project design and support equipment delivery.

Mi smo prigovor da budemo general contractor of one of the most innovation photovoltaic power plant u Poljskoj. Ми смо у потпуности испунили задатке изградње 2 Мв ПВ plant and we currently working on investments of a similar scale projects. Bifacial PV modules can produce approximately 15-20% више енергије него monofacial PV modules and implement inverters with fewer MPPTs. We do make a real contribution to the development of innovative technologies in Poland, by building those PV plants.’ каже Војциецх Grzybała, president of the board GREAT SOLAR сп. z o. o.

Article produced in partnership with Huawei