Huawei Wins Top 10 Highest Award at SNEC 2019

Хуавеи је проглашен за победника СНЕЦ Топ 10 Хигхест Авард-тераватт Диамонд Авард, фор итс Смарт и-в Диагносис 3.0.

The Top 10 Highest Award recognises the best aller performance from a group competitors. Experts consider five factors as "advanced", "иницијатива", "professional", "sociality" и "regional", finally select "Top 10 Highest Award".

As the first AI Boost Smart I-V Diagnosis Technology worldwide, Huawei Smart IV Diagnosis 3.0 има три револуционарна пробоја:

АИ Technology Ембеддед to Reconstruct O & M (рад и одржавање) Experience: Huawei Smart I-V Diagnosis 3.0 интегрише технологију вештачке интелигенције у области соларне операције и одржавање. Интелигентни ПВ систем управљања врши анализу великих података на основу и-в криве ПВ модула, applies AI smart diagnosis algorithm, and identifies fault strings accurately. Кроз АИ self-learning, Smart I-V Diagnosis 3.0 цонтинуоусли оптимизација праћење algorithm and find module-недостаци нивоа, пренос O&M соларне ПВ у АИ ера.

100MW/15 Minutes to Create Ultimate Fast O&M: 100MW The PV Plant has tens of thousands components and covers an area equivalent to 300 football fields. Smart I-V 3.0 Diagnosis can complete full detection of 100MW strings and output auto reports in only 15 minutes, detailed on analysing fault reasons. Big-data analysis can proactively discover low-unit performance, achieving the revolution from passive maintenance to active preventive maintenance. Моревер, further application of AI evolves the operation and maintenance of PV plants towards "аутономна вожња".

Full Application scenario to be Better Suitable for Bifacial Модули: Due to the uneven irradiation of the back ground and diffuse reflected, the current mismatch is more serious, and the accuracy requirement of the I - V detection is higher. Кроз АИ селф-леарнинг, smart I-V diagnosis 3.0 further adapts with bifacial modules, impoves the recognition accuracy of bifacial modules ' model, and accurately identifies mismatches such as shading and component failure.

Huawei Smart I-V Diagnosis is the technology that has obtained solely the TUV certification in the industry. Accuracy of monitoring data in the empirical project is as high as 0.5%, and it can accurately identify up to 14 anomalni types, ensuring solar system is performing at its peak држава. Over 3GW application of Smart I-V Diagnosis био распоређен на глобалном нивоу. Moreover, it is widely used in various scenario, such as utility-scale, commercial and residential scenario, as well as agriculture solar, fishery and solar water floating scenario.

AI Technology has promoted industrial upgrading and transformation. Renewable energy industry has ushered in a period of rapid development, digital transformation. In the field of PV O & M planira Huawei will take advantage of its innovative technology and rich experience to greatly improve O & M efficiency, reduce O & M costs, and improve the operating efficiency of the entire life cycle of PV plants.