Хуавеи Супплиес 65 МВ флоте у Немачкој са Фусионсолар инвертори

German EPC GP Joule has chosen Huawei FusionSolar inverters to build one of the largest solar park u Nemaèkoj sa 65 MV. The project was built for the company Clenergy Global Projects GmbH (Hamburg) in a former mining site in Ganzlin/МВ, Немачка.

The solar park in Germany, will be connected to the grid by June 2020, and will supply around 16,500 households with CO2-free electricity. Деспите цовид-19 Пандемиц, Тхе Галлин Солар парк цомменцед тестирање и операција у мају 2020. 512 of HUAWEI SUN2000-105 KTL-H1 as well as 21 x SmartLogger2000 with Huawei MBUS communication ради на АЦ линији за брзу комуникацију, већу поузданост и анти-сметње ће бити инсталиран овде. The products convinced the project team by its incredible reliability in terms of operation and maintenance. Higher yields through TUV verified > 99.996% inverter availability and less failure rate (less than 0.5%) were just some of the attributes that made the team chose Huawei.

Кенет Марсеј Фреј, извршни директор сунчаних инверторов Хуавеи: "Being part of the largest solar park currently being built у Germany makes us поносна and confident that we can offer the right solutions for the German маркет. The selection of the 105KTL inverters with Huawei M-bus communication running on AC line ensures that even the complex requirements of park control are reliably met.”

Даниел Руосс, потпредседник Цленерги Гроуп и генерални директор Цленерги Глобал Пројецтс: "тим ГП Јоуле царефулли Селецтед онли тхе бест Цомпонентс фор оур Пројецт, and we pleased to have installed the world's leading smart PV components with Huawei products."

Иначе Маркус, генерални директор Obton: "Obton is an experienced player in the international solar маркет. We continue to contribute to the global energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables and we demand high quality materials and components in our projects, which the Ganzlin-project is a perfectly example of.”

Meik Georg Gessner, Head of plant EPC construction at GP JOULE: "the selection of products and suppliers that determined by the seamless interaction of all components in terms of performance, stability and plant quality.”