August 16, 2022
13:00 - 17:00

Roadshow GC Group - Villach
Karawankenweg 7
9500 Villach

Huawei FusionSolar and SKE - Solar Roadshow 2022 Customer training Upper Austria Austria

Huawei FusionSolar and SKE
Solar Roadshow "Luna on Tour" Upper Austria Austria

Our roadshow buses are on the road in the UK and Ireland, - but also in Austria, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece and Cyprus. In a Europe-wide programme we visit our wholesale customers but also their partners. We present the new Huawei FusionSolar product portfolio for residential and commercial applications and our experts are available for questions.

Depending on the local requirements, the first appointments will be arranged. We will contact our local partners or wholesalers in all the countries mentioned so that you can also ask for appointments with your local distribution partner. We will also offer appointments in all countries where you can register. If you don't want to miss a new date, please subscribe to the SKE newsletter. If a destination does not have an exact date or address yet, it will follow in time before the event. Registered participants will be informed by mail.